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In-Kind Gifts

Events are wonderful fundraising vehicles. But if you're not careful, events can be too costly to justify the funds raised. There are two simple ways you can increase your contribution to the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber: maximize revenues and minimize expenses. Securing in-kind gifts is a great way to cut expenses.

In-kind gifts defined

In-kind gifts are goods or services which are donated free of charge. Goods or services that are offered at a significant discount can also be considered in-kind gifts.

In-kind gifts checklist

Similar to sponsorship proposals, it is best to solicit in-kind gifts early so that you can acknowledge your donors in printed collateral, program books, posters, and other marketing materials. It is important to provide in-kind donors marketing visibility, but keep in mind giving levels. An in-kind donation of three cases of juice, although extremely helpful, should not receive the same recognition as a $5,000 cash sponsor.

The following are steps to help you secure in-kind gifts:

  • Identify your needs.
    • Think about your unique event and determine what goods and services are required to make the event a success.
    • Distinguish between which goods and services can be donated and which are necessary expenses. 
  • Develop a list of companies that offer goods or servicesthat you require.
    • Use your network and that of your committee's; personal connections are always the most effective.
    • Reference your local Yellow Pages or online search engines to broaden your scope.
    • Check with vendor contacts (For example: If you are paying for a hotel, ask if they can offer free or discounted refreshments, beverages, or room rates.)
    • Consider following-up with any potential sponsors who could not support your event with a cash gift and request in-kind goods and services; it is much easier for companies to donate goods or services than it is for them to give cash.
    • Offer sampling opportunities to confirmed cash sponsors.
    • Never request or accept in-kind donations from a competitor of a cash sponsor. For example, if Verizon sponsors your event, request mobile phones from Verizon to use at the event, as this is a great on-site marketing opportunity. Do not approach another mobile phone company for an in-kind donation, whether or not Verizon agrees to the in-kind donation.
  • Create a solicitation letter and commitment form.
    • Identify benefits and explain what's in it for them.
    • Be direct with your request.
    • Set a deadline for responses.
    • Request the appropriate information from in-kind prize donors, including:
      • Item descriptions
      • Fair market values
      • Donor's name, as he or she would like to appear in promotional materials
    • Include a list of next steps in your solicitation letter and commitment form.
  • Follow through.
    • Make follow-up calls to each company who received your solicitation letter.
    • Once a company has made an in-kind gift commitment, arrange for the delivery of goods or provide details for services requested.
    • Be sure to fulfill all the benefits outlined in your solicitation letter.
    • Keep track of all in-kind gifts and donors for inclusion in your post-event report.
  • Thank in-kind donors.
    • As soon as in-kind donations are received, and again after the event, thank the companies who made the gifts.
    • Send them letters and a package containing event photos and any promotional materials that include the company's name and/or logo, including press clippings.

Popular in-kind gifts

The following list contains examples of popular in-kind gifts for Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Events:

  • Apparel - T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, jackets, shorts
  • Auction/Drawing Items - Gift certificates, gift baskets, autographed items, airfare, sporting event tickets
  • Awards - trophies, plaques, certificates
  • Beverages - water, soft drinks, juices, wine, beer, liquor
  • Entertainment - bands, disc jockeys, clowns, auctioneers
  • Event day support - security, life guards, massage therapists
  • Facility - hotels, conference centers, gymnasiums, recreational fields
  • Printing - invitations, posters, tickets, brochures, programs
  • Refreshments - pizza, buffets, bagels, sandwiches, desserts, appetizers
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